It’s no surprise that taking up a hobby and sticking to it has several benefits, such as forming social bonds, adding structure to life, and supporting your overall mental and emotional well-being. But for some, it may be a challenge to identify where to begin or what new activity to pursue. Martha Stewart sought the help of Regina Bonds, Premium Life and Confidence Coach, in helping her readers identify what the best hobby is for a particular type of person.
We’re all different, that’s a fact. No one is quite like someone else. To help understand what activities or hobbies might be beneficial for you, it’s important to understand who you are as a person, what your traits are, quirks, and other qualities that define who you are. Regina Bonds shares some suggestions for hobbies for readers based on The Big Five Personality Traits, conveniently abbreviated as OCEAN — Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness and Neuroticism.
Regina Bonds gives Martha’s readers short, but detailed descriptions of each personality type and how we may exhibit some traits of these types. Though it’s a good metric to give us a general understanding of what might or might not be good for us, Regina reminds us that personality types are broad. individuals can move to and from their characteristics or types depending on their mental state, unique experiences, or current stage in life.
Taking a personality test can be the start of a journey in anyone’s self-exploration. This should be a call to action to Martha Stewart’s readers to practice self-reflection and “get to know yourself on a daily basis to understand and experience the best life whatever stage you’re in”. Beyond just a hobby, understanding who you are can take you to new heights in the way you experience your life.
With that, Regina ends with her suggested list of hobbies for each personality type, which you can check out here. Congratulations Regina Bonds for booking this opportunity with Martha Stewart and helping millions of people in finding a new hobby or passion that will work for them.
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