Apex Protein

Services Offered:

  • Traditional & Digital PR Services 
  • Seasonal gift guides
  • Round-ups  and listicles
  • Blogger seeding 
  • Awareness Day campaigns 


Impact Achieved

  • Total Media Opportunities: 104 including Medium, Before It’s News, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, @justincaffier, The Daily Meal, NewsBreak, American Hunter, ArcaMax, KNXV-TV Online, Bake Me Some Sugar, Nerd Wallet, Beauty News NYC and Blogarama among many others
  • Total Live Links: 99
  • Audience Reach: 1.62B
  • Products Sent: 61
  • Publicity Value: $3.6M

Apex backCountry Sticks are high-level protein products that are meant to give athletes and fitness enthusiasts a substantial snack time. Made with wild game means and no fillers and sugar, Apex BackCountry Sticks are set to be the ultimate portable protein snack for any adventure. Created by Sarah Bowmar with the call to provide a product that’s both nutritious and a personal ode to life in the outdoors. The result is a premium snack with ingredients you can feel good about.


Apex Protein sought the help of Publicity For Good to raise awareness for their products in order to drive up their sales. National, regional and local media exposure can also greatly benefit the brand’s credibility as well as effectively tell their story of living life healthily and fully.

In the scope of 6 months, Publicity For Good aimed to achieve its objectives with Apex Protein by heavily focusing on national media to book interviews, product features and talk shows that can help spread the word on Apex Protein, their brand story and their premium products. It was also critical to gain the audience’s favor by sending out product samples to both small and large media outlets including national media, digital media and influencers for features, digital stories, listicles and product reviews. 

In our time working together, we were able to collect a total of 104 media opportunities, 99 of which are already live and have achieved a total reach of 1.62 billion media impressions. These opportunities include features in Medium, Before It’s News, The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, @justincaffier, The Daily Meal, NewsBreak, American Hunter, ArcaMax, KNXV-TV Online, Bake Me Some Sugar, Nerd Wallet, Beauty News NYC and Blogarama among many others. We were also able to send out a total of 61 product samples to a myriad of traditional and non-traditional media outlets as well as key influencers. All-in-all, our 4-month campaign was able to accumulate a total publicity value of around $3.6 million.

Our campaign with Apex Protein resulted in an abundance of media impressions which effectively communicates their mission, story and add credibility to the premium quality of their product. This can all, in turn, translate into sales for the brand as more people get acquainted with Apex Protein.


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