Battle Bars

Services Offered:

  • Traditional & Digital PR Services 
  • Holiday gift guides
  • Product Launch Campaigns and strategic product launches 
  • Thought leadership
  • Broadcast Media tour for veteran story opportunities 
  • Industry & trade media relations

Battle Bars is a sports and nutrition company managed by US veterans, Ian Sparks and Alex Witt. They created Battle Bars in response to America’s crisis in nutrition. The United States is out of shape and is beginning to rely too much on shady nutrition companies. Battle Bars is a company that’s dedicated its energy to developing a premium source of nutrition for the nation through its great-tasting and expertly formulated protein bars.

Battle Bars sought the help of Publicity For Good to aid in smashing the reputation that protein bars taste bad, and only ineffective or unhealthy protein bars taste good. Publicity For Good leveraged Battle Bar’s awesome tasting products to spread the word that Battle Bars are not only good for you but also taste good. Publicity For Good also leveraged Battle Bar’s military background to spread positive messages and awareness about war heroes. It was also fortunate that PTSD (Post-Traumatic-Stress Disorder) Day and Fathers’ Day were just around the corner to boost the brand’s relevance during critical days for the brand’s target audience. 

In the span of 6 months, Publicity For Good was able to secure a total of 49 media opportunities across various media outlets that accumulated over 1.46 billion media impressions across all channels. We were able to secure top-tier placements for media outlets such as America’s Newsroom, FOX News, Buzzfeed, Houston Morning News, CW Atlanta, Small Business Trends, and OANN. We were also able to secure opportunities from FOX32 Chicago, CBS Sacramento, Whole Foods,, and Military Veteran Dad for a variety of features, product roundups, and reviews.

Publicity For Good and Battle Bars had an awesome working relationship. Their campaigns had helped spread awareness about the struggles of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and shared the stories of local heroes and war veterans, which hopefully established Battle Bars as a household name for quality protein bars.

Battle Bars is a sports and nutrition company created by Ian Sparks and Alex Witt to combat America’s crisis in nutrition. Through continuous innovation and unyielding development of premium, nutrient-packed protein bars that are not only good for you but taste great. In the span of 6 months, Publicity For Good was able to secure 49 media opportunities across a variety of media outlets that collected a total reach of over 1.4 billion media impressions across all channels.


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Publicity For Good is on a Mission